Nancy’s Morning

5 min readOct 27, 2021

The sun was shining and Nancy woke up ready to tackle the day. Specifically the huge presentation she had that morning at work. She has worked hard to earn this opportunity to advance in her career and has prepared for weeks. As she woke up she felt some itchiness in the back of her throat but paid little mind to it. As she got up from her bed she began her morning routine of washing up and meditating.

It was clear the itchy throat would be an issue so she took some vitamins and continued her morning. She was unable to sleep because of the nerves for this morning but knew she was well prepared for her presentation to her bosses. While cooking her morning meal as always two eggs and a toast she burnt her hand on the stove. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to her family group chat to say “Morning everyone! I have a huge day at work and I have burnt my finger on accident for good luck!”

Her brother responded with “ wow! but not surprised, jk!”

Her mother, “ Be careful when cooking always”

She got ready for work and as she was zipping up her skirt she the zipper broke. She began to think to herself “what is happening today?” She has never had so many thing happen to her. She realized this could be the result of the nerves she had but still was wondering why it was happening back to back. It was too early for her to sit and dig into those thoughts so she finished getting ready.

She was going over her presentation notes over and over to really make sure there was nothing missing. As she was getting ready to leave she decided to stop by her local coffee shop instead of taking her own. In the elevator she ran into one of her neighbors who asked “Hi Nancy, busy day?”

“Huge day today but so far it has been an interesting start” said Nancy.

Her neighbor responded “ I think there is something in the air today, I broke one of my cups this morning”

“I burnt my finger! I am glad I am not the only one going through this today!”, said Nancy.

They made their way down and wished each other a good day. Nancy thought to herself, it will be a good day from this point forward. Nothing would stop her from have the best presentation ever.

As she walked through the streets she was admiring the view and the weather that she missed where she was walking and her shoe went into a puddle of water. She instantly thought thank goodness I have these boots. Taking a wipe out of her bag she cleaned off her shoe and kept it moving.

When arriving to the coffee spot she quickly realized the line was longer than she liked. Nancy was proactive and began ordering her drink on their app to see if she could get it faster. After a couple of minutes she was able to get her coffee and make her way to her office. The day finally seemed to be taking a turn for the better.

As she checked the train schedule she realized there was a delay on all her trains that would get her to work. She needed to be at the office by 10am and it was now 9:20am. Nancy’s options were limited as she lived in a city where taking the train was the fastest way to get across town. She waited on her train and the group of people waiting quickly grew. She knew she would be having to ensure she got on the train no matter what to make it into work.

After about 20minutes the train was loaded with people who were next to one another. There was not room to move as everyone had somewhere to be and the delayed trains were pushing people to fill these trains to the brim. Nancy thought to herself, “something is telling me I should not be giving such an important presentation when my morning has been such a mess” .

As she looked at her watch it was nearing the 9:50am mark and she was starting to sweat not only because of the close proximity of people but also because of the fact that she needed to present at 10am. Nancy wanted to see if she could make room to get to phone but she did not want to push at the people around her.

She decided to let things happen as they would as these issues were not out of her control. As the train came to a stop, it was 9:55am and her office was a short walk from the station. She picked up an almost running pace to make it to her work. She figured she could explain why she was late and needed some time to set up in hopes that her bosses would understand. She was sweating, her boot still damp from before, and her hand was still in pain from the morning.

As she ran into her office her assistant looks at the state of her boss and immediately gets concerned. “Nancy! Are you ok? Do you need something?”


Her assistant said, “Nancy! Your presentation is tomorrow..”

“No, I have it as today, Monday morning.”

“The boss had to move it to Tuesday because he was flying in today, remember?”

The memories of all the conversations had with herself, her assistant and her bosses assistant came flooding back into her memory. She could not believe the relief that shot through her body. She could almost hug her assistant.

She began to laugh uncontrollably. The entire morning she was telling herself not to let these things happening to her ruin her day. Now she was laughing because all the little things that happened to her that morning gave her a lot of stress and anxiety.

She shared her adventure with her assistant who asked her why she did not check her calendar on her phone. Nancy said she did not have the chance to look at it because she was so overwhelmed with her morning was going.

Her day began to pick up in a positive note right away after that conversation. She realized how much nerves and stress can take a tole on your daily life.

